Another little modification for my 3drag machines: this time the goal is to have a more easy and precise tarature of the Z axis home, so, i modified the endstop regulator. As usual, stl files are on thingiverse and on github

Thanks goes to Danilo Colucci for this design distributed under creative commons from which my design is derived

image_preview_featured image_preview_featured (1)

image_preview_featured (2) Mod41_preview_featured

Mod43_preview_featured[zemstl  width=”400″ height=”300″ planes=”1″ rotation=”1″ camera=”diagonal” zoom=”5″ color=”#C0D8F0″ bgcolor=”#FFFFFF” material=”solid” url=”/STL/ZSupport-reduced.stl”/]


If you like my work on 3drag projects, please consider to help me by contributing with a donation!

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3drag / k8200 choko extruder fast clamp support
XTC-3D: first test